We don't just CLEAN, we INSPECT, we TEST, we REPORT. We are the EXPERTS you want to give you an impartial and factual 53 POINT report on your Solar System. Ask Jason for an honest answer on your solar woes!


  • Adelaide's best Solar Care company Solarcare is the only company that can provide all your solar system maintenance needs, cleaning, inspection and panel testing. Whether your system is not performing as well as you expected, or the panels are just a bit dirty, we can help you out.

  • Pidgeons a problem under solar panels? We can and have helped move on many a 'flying pest' to a new home protectng your roof and gutters from thier corrosive droppings!

  • Inverter not working? We can have have assited many people in this situation, helping them through a warranty claim, often they get a new inverter for free from the manufacturer and we handle the paperwork.
  • Solar provider gone broke? We have assitied many people in getting thier systems up and going again after being left in the lurch by the many unscrupulous companys out there.
  • Dirt, bird droppings or bee hits causing your power output to slump? We can clean and improve it sometimes by 10%!

Jason is probably the most experienced solar electrician in Adelaide, with so much knowledge on your side, we will have you fixed up and saving mor money in no time at all. Plus you will be safe in the knowlege we will be there in the furture to support your solar system.

Although solar systems don't need a lot of day-to-day maintenance, it is very important to ensure your system gets it's regular 'check-up' to keep it happy and healthy.

We will provide you a full service check as per the new AS/NZS 5033 regulations (listed below):

The following maintenance activities should be considered for inclusion in the maintenance
procedures, according to the location, size and design of the PV array:

  • Cleaning of the PV array might be periodically required in locations where it is likely to collect dust or other shading materials.
  • Periodic inspections should be carried out to check wiring integrity, electrical connections, corrosion and mechanical protection of wiring.
  • Verify open circuit voltage and short circuit current values.
  • Verify functioning of earth fault protection (if relevant).
  • Measure I-V characteristics (if possible).
  • Check PV array mounting structure(s).
  • Test operation of switches regularly.
  • Check for module defects (fracture, moisture penetration, browning, etc.).
  • Infrared scans can be of use in identifying problems.